Baptism: A Sense Of Renewal

Story Team

We got to chat with George and Gaia, who both recently took the step of baptism, to hear what their experience was like!

Story Team: What was the feeling like after you were baptized?

George: I felt wet after being baptized! lol. No seriously though, I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders and a sense of renewal.

Story Team: Who was up there with you?

George: My loving wife, Fran and my friends were up there with me.

Story Team: For another Hoboken Grace community member who may be thinking about taking this step, what would you say to them?

George: I would tell another Hoboken Grace member that’s contemplating getting baptized to just do it! It’s another step to get closer to the One that gave it all for us. I wish I had done it sooner!!

Story Team: What made you take the step of baptism?

George: My wife and I have been going back and forth whether or not I should get baptized again being that I’ve been baptized as a baby. She was saying that I should get baptized as an adult because as a baby we’re not able to understand sin nor Jesus. After some procrastination, I finally decided to take the leap.

Gaia got baptized last month with her husband and they both decided day of, to take that step!

Story Team: What was the feeling like after you were baptized?

Gaia: The feeling I had after being baptized – I was elated. I felt a curious mix of peace and exhilaration at the same time.

Story Team: Who was up there with you?

Gaia: My husband and I got baptized one after another so he and I supported each other. My dinner group came, even on late notice, and were there to deepen the experience with us. Hannah, Meghan, and Anthony joined us as well.

Story Team: For another Hoboken Grace community member who may be thinking about taking this step, what would you say to them?

Gaia: I would say listen for God calling out to you as He called for me. It’s okay if you don’t have everything figured out yet. It’s a moment to move forward in your faith and in your relationship with Jesus.

Story Team: What made you take the step of baptism?

Gaia: I felt called to take the step and for some reason couldn’t quite decide when the time was “right.” The conversation that week really spoke to me deeply and I felt connected and like I wanted to honor God with my commitment to Him, to pursue Him, and love Him as He has loved me.

If you have any questions about taking the step of baptism join us for our next ‘What is Baptism‘ class coming up on June 2nd!