Celebrating Kimberly!


This week we’re celebrating a little victory that’s making a big difference in the way one of our families is experiencing God.

For over a month now, Julia has been bringing her daughter, Kimberly, to our Handprints class. But it has been a challenge. No matter how welcoming the teachers and other kids were, Kimberly just didn’t want to stay. Every Sunday morning started with tears and ended with Kimberly going downstairs with her mom for the service. Julia wasn’t able to feel completely immersed in worship or give her full attention to the message, and Kimberly wasn’t in an environment where God’s love was being expressed at her level.

Then finally, after weeks of the same Sunday morning routine it all just clicked for Kimberly and she was perfectly content to stay upstairs with the other kids. Last Sunday, Kimberly even wanted to come to class. Julia is thrilled that she can fully participate in the service and that Kimberly is making friends at church.

“Thank you so much for what you do in Kids’ Ministry. I’m so happy that I can be a part of the service and experience God,” said Julia.

We’re excited to see how Julia and Kimberly will grow in their understanding of God’s love in the coming months. Let’s celebrate Julia’s perseverance, and a God who patiently pursues us at every age.

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