Have You Ever Questioned Your Faith?

Anthony R.

Remember RadioShack? Yeah, I know. It’s hard to believe they used to be one of the premier retailers of the ’90s. They had a slogan that went, “You’ve got questions? We’ve got answers.” It was wildly successful. So much so, that I’m still quoting it from 1991.

So, here’s a question for you: Have you ever questioned … your faith?

It’s okay. I promise it’s okay. You know what? I have, too. There are some pretty tough and deep questions out there.

Here’s another question for you: Have you ever thought that church was a safe place to ask those questions?

If your answer is no, I want to be the first to apologize for that. The church SHOULD be the place you go when you have questions about faith — when you have doubts, when you are just struggling with something and need answers.

As you may or may not know, faith is not a destination, it’s a journey. Some of you might be far along in the journey. You’ve been on this walk with God for years, maybe even decades. But others of you are right at the beginning. You may not be convinced about God, Jesus or the Bible just yet and sometimes, unfortunately, the church has become the last place you would go with your questions.

So, where do you go? If you have doubts and questions, we have a place where you might feel more comfortable speaking up. It’s called Starting Point, and it’s an eight-week gathering where questions about God turn into conversations about faith. It’s a safe place where you can explore your doubts and tackle some of the trickiest topics of faith, free from judgment and pressure. It’s a conversation, and it’s a conversation we must have. If our mission is to help people find their way back to God, Starting Point is going to help our church family do that even better.

Our goal is simple: To create a space where people just like you feel comfortable having conversations about faith. Our first group experienced Starting Point this past summer and provided some incredible feedback.

“The biggest thing I took away from Starting Point is that God doesn’t expect me to be perfect,” one participant said. “I also learned so much about myself. I’ve grown so much since Starting Point.”

Another person said, “I stepped into Starting Point unsure of my faith. I walked out knowing exactly who God made me to be.”

So, if you’re ready to have a conversation — if you’re ready to ask questions and dig deeper — join me for Starting Point this January. Whether you’re brand new to faith or want to discuss your questions and concerns, Starting Point is a great step. It’s just eight weeks where you can explore faith and experience community. Spots are limited, so sign up today.