Father’s Day Celebration!

Story Team

This Sunday we celebrated Father’s Day at Hoboken Grace and it was wonderful being able to honor our fathers, grandfathers, and the father figures who have shaped who we are today. All the fathers who attended were treated to a special breakfast boat full of tasty morning food and on top of that, there was a coffee bar set up just for the dads!

After everyone got in and all the dad’s picked up their breakfast boats, we kicked off our services with some really punny dad jokes that put a smile on everyone’s face and some great music by our band!

Pastor Chris had a very special message to share and he began to speak about how many times parenthood can feel somewhat overwhelming, but it doesn’t always have to feel this way. We shouldn’t expect to always have the right answers or to be great leaders. But above all, we should be true followers of Jesus, and with that, we can be the role models we want to be for our children. It’s all summed up in one of the most powerful moments of this past Sunday’s conversation: “What your child needs, is to see you being a great child.”

On top of an already special day, we were so thrilled to see six different baptisms! It was so special when someone chooses to be baptized with us and witnessing so many people making this public commitment to Him is always a powerful moment.

It was such an awesome day celebrating our fathers and father figures, and more importantly, our Father in heaven who loves us as His own!

If you missed any of it, catch up here!