How Your Phone Can Help You

Story Team

When you feel stuck in an in the meantime season, how often do you stare blankly at your phone, anxiously waiting for that something to happen, instead of turning your gaze to God? Maybe you’re waiting for test results from your doctor, or a job offer, or a text from that special person that feels like it could change everything. Sometimes it feels more natural to cling to plastic and metal than the hope that God offers.

Our phones don’t hold all the answers – only God does. And while you might feel as though you’ll never pull through this, you can, but only if you let Him do the heavy lifting.

This week, turn your phone into a reminder of God’s patient power. Download the memory verse and make it the wallpaper on your phone. Then every time you turn to a device for comfort or direction, you’ll be reminded that “I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength. – Philippians 4:13.” Your phone might not have all the answers, but it can at least encourage you to redirect your gaze.