Production Is Where I Learned…A Lot.


Easter Sunday 2017:

“I want you to pray about apprenticing to become a production team leader.”

When Dana first said this to me, my initial response was, “Are you insane?” I had been serving on the Production Team for only about two months. Little did I know, this question was about to change everything I thought I knew and wanted out of life.

At that point, I thought you had to know what you were doing to make an impact on the Production Team. I’ve come to realize this is how everyone feels about the Production Booth! There are lots of cables and lights and buttons. Most people take one look and think there’s no way they have a chance to be a part of Production. That’s what I thought, too! I was lucky enough to have some of the most gracious individuals I’ve ever met in the booth with me, guiding me along the way. The best part is, they can do that for anyone!

Little did I know, God was about to take the light board and use it to teach me about selflessness and humility. Back then, I thought being a part of Production meant we were entertainers — that’s what I wanted it to be. But the Production Team is actually more in line with the communication industry. Philippians 2:3-4 teaches us not to value our own selfish ambition, but to humbly place others’ interests above ourselves. This is key for our team — every Sunday we amplify the communication of the worship and communicators, so that whoever walks in the doors of Hoboken Grace can worship our Father better. One way to actually gauge our success is whether or not people even realize we are present. If you don’t notice us, we’ve done our job.

I reached a point between New Year’s Day and Easter of pure hustle. I was working at my previous job, as well as leading Production weekly and working on a new set design at every free moment. But, the drive to love others kept me going. That’s because I had finally reached a point where I understood Philippians 2:3-4. Being “all in,” putting others above myself and helping them experience God better through how I was serving made me feel fulfilled, not to mention both mentally and physically healthy.

This is the motivation I use when I invite others to the Production Team. I don’t invite them because I think they can push a fader, operate a camera or trigger a light cue. I invite people because I want them to experience God in a whole new way. I’ve experienced what it feels like to be truly fulfilled, and I want them to be able to say the same.

Interested in checking out Production? Stop by the booth after service any Sunday or email