The Time and Space You Could Use


If you’ve been thinking of joining us on one of our two Axiom retreats this spring and summer, I have two words for you: Do it!

Whether you’re considering the retreat in Morristown or Montana, here are three reasons why you should make attending a priority.

1). Making Space

Did you know our Father desires alone time with us? He invites us to get to know Him more. A friend recently explained it to me this way – what do we do when we want to get to know someone? We make space to spend time with them. We get to know them. The same is true with the One who created us and loves us.

Life wants more from us — to do it more efficiently, to do it a certain way. It flies around us at warped speed and demands all of our external attention. Axiom is all about the internal — to allow us to find out who we are and how God sees us.

Axiom allows us to make space in our lives to fully focus our attention on Christ and develop a deeper intimacy with Him.

2). Putting It Into Practice

We don’t just struggle with making space for God. Oftentimes, we don’t know how to put that rhythm into practice in our daily lives. Axiom gives us space to learn how to receive God’s love in the quiet moments. In doing so, we are able to practice how to spend time with the God who loves us so.

You will walk away with practical steps, resources and a plan to further develop rhythms in your life.

3). Growth in Community

You are not on this journey alone. That is the beauty of the body of Christ. As we grow deeper with Christ we can experience growth in community with one another.

Axiom allows us to learn these rhythms together as a family. We seek to be people who walk with God, who know him well, and who live lives with rhythms that call us back frequently to the One we love most.

I invite you to join us. Your Father longs to spend some quality time with you.

Axiom: Homecoming: June 1-3

With storytelling, movie illustrations, Biblical teaching and personal prayer time, this weekend at St. Mary’s Abbey in Morristown will further your understanding of His dreams and purposes for your life.

Axiom: Pilgrimage: August 6-11.

This wilderness retreat that will take you deep into the wilds of Montana, in a valley framed by the Bob Marshall Wilderness & Mission Mountain Wilderness.

For more information, contact