Time with God

Story Team

The last five weeks have been challenging as my wife and I balance working from home with a toddler and a baby. On one hand, I am incredibly thankful that we both have the opportunity to work remotely. We have an apartment with space to balance naps, play time and work time. It has also afforded us the opportunity to spend time as a family that I would not have otherwise.

The other day, I had just finished playing trucks and trains with my son inside of the awesome (if I say so myself) fort we built. It was time for my wife and I to switch responsibilities so I could join a work call. As I walked toward my room, my son sprinted across the living room and wrapped his arms around my legs. He said, “No work daddy! I need you to play with me.”

I joined the call, but my mind was lost in the pleading requests of my son. During this new existence, trying to balance life in my own way and through my own strength has impacted my daily devotional time. In that moment, I could not help but think about my heavenly Father and how He wants to spend time with me, just as my son wanted to be with his father.

“Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

Matthew 11:28-29 (NIV)

Throughout scripture, we see this truth play out in many ways and circumstances. In John 4, Jesus meets the women at the well even though she was an outcast of society. In Act 9, we see Jesus move in Saul’s life even though he is working on destroying the new church. Jesus continually meets people where they are and spends time with them.

“Come near to God and He will come near to you.”

James 4:8a (NIV)

We do not need special words or phrases to come near to God. He is pursuing each of us and He is ready for us to come to Him at any moment. When I experienced crisis years ago, it helped me find my way back to God. Perhaps this is your opportunity to find your way back to the one who loves you most.

The following resources help remind me of this truth, daily.

If you have questions about faith, Hoboken Grace launches Starting Point groups throughout the year! The groups are an 8-week series designed for those who are brand new to faith, returning to it, or just have questions and doubts. It’s a safe place, without judgement, where you can ask the questions you think you’re not supposed to ask in church.