We’re Your Biggest Supporters!

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Once a year we dedicate one Sunday to a very special celebration. And this past Sunday we had over 1,200 people join us to be a part of 31 children being dedicated! It was such a special day, and we are so grateful for all of the families and their little ones.

We believe that what happens at home is more important than what happens in church, so we welcome parents to partner with us from the very beginning with their little ones to be intentional about raising their children. It is so important to us to help the parents in our church family raise their children to know what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Because no one will influence your child more than you!

When parents choose to dedicate their children at Hoboken Grace, they promise to remember that their child is a gift from God and that because God loves their child more, His plans for the child’s life are better than theirs. This can be difficult to commit to, but every year at Hoboken Grace more and more parents choose to make this commitment. Parents pledge to put their relationship with God first, their marriage second and their child third.

As children mature, they will hold on to those strong truths that have been surrounding them in loving communities. These parents understand that they can’t force their children to follow God, their child has to decide to follow Christ on their own.

It can be a difficult journey, but Hoboken Grace is here to help. In preparation of Child Dedications, parents come together to talk about what it looks like to make a commitment to raise their children to know Christ. There are also resources available through Grace Kids, and in addition to supporting families on Sundays and throughout the week, Grace Kids provides an opportunity for our church family to support these little ones as they grow. We believe it’s all about helping children grow in loving communities.

Click here to learn more about our next Child Dedication, and to learn more about getting involved with Grace Kids, visit here!