What’s Happening in Clubhouse?


Growing up, I always thought it’d be cool to be a superhero. Mostly because, well, flying sounded like it would be AMAZING. But also because superheroes stood up for what was right regardless of how dangerous or how scary the situation. Their conviction drove them to find the courage to stand up to evil, even when no one else seemed to care or stood petrified with fear. No matter what, the superhero came to the rescue.

Given the chance, I thought that jumping into the storyline of my favorite superhero sounded like something I would want to do with my life. I guess it’s because when I was kid, I didn’t realize that I was already part of an amazing story. No one ever told me that it didn’t take some super power to act like a superhero.

I have a feeling there are a ton of kids out there who feel the same way. That’s why we’re taking the months of June and July to discover what it means to Stand Up: Get in the Story as we learn more about conviction.

Conviction is standing for what’s right, even when others don’t.

Jesus showed us how to stand for what’s right. Even though Jesus prayed for another way, He willingly gave up His life to save us. He showed us that even though it’s difficult, we could stand for what’s right.

Because showing conviction and standing up for what’s right isn’t always easy, we thought it would be a great idea for the kids to memorize 2 Thessalonians 3:13 “Don’t ever get tired of doing the right thing.” The best place to find out how you should show conviction is God’s Word. When you know what God says, it makes it easier to figure out when and how you should stand for what’s right.

We’re looking forward to a great summer of helping kids discover that God created them in His image to join the story that He’s telling in the world. We hope they figure out how they can Stand Up and have conviction in their lives as well.

June Preview Video!